Foot and Ankle Wellness Products

Foot & Ankle Surgery:

Ankle Sprain Repair: High Ankle Sprain Ankle Surgery

High ankle sprains, also known as syndesmotic ankle sprains, are a specific type of ankle sprain that involve damage to the syndesmotic ligaments that connect the tibia (shinbone) and fibula (smaller bone of the lower leg). These ligaments help stabilize the ankle joint and are located above the ankle joint, hence the term “high” ankle sprain. This procedure involves the use of screws to stabilize the tibia and fibula, holding them in their proper anatomical position while the ligaments heal. The screws are typically placed across the syndesmotic space and provide stability during the healing process. It’s important to note that not all high ankle sprains require surgery, and conservative treatment methods are often successful. The decision to proceed with surgery is based on a thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional and a discussion of the potential risks and benefits.

  • What is Ankle Sprain Repair: High Ankle Sprain Ankle Surgery?
    High ankle sprain ankle surgery refers to a surgical procedure performed to treat a high ankle sprain, also known as a syndesmotic ankle sprain.

  • Causes
    This can happen during sports activities, such as football, soccer, or skiing, where sudden twisting, rotational forces, or direct impact to the ankle can occur.

  • Symptoms
    Pain, swelling, bruising, weakness, unable to put pressure on the foot, protruding bone.

  • Diagnosis
    Physical Examination, X-rays, (MRI) or (CT) scans.

  • Treatment
    In some cases of high ankle sprains, conservative treatment methods such as rest, immobilization, and rehabilitation exercises may be sufficient for recovery.