Foot and Ankle Wellness Products

Foot & Ankle Surgery:

Corn Removal

Corn removal refers to the process of removing corns, which are areas of thickened and hardened skin that develop on the feet, typically on the toes or the soles. Corns are usually caused by repeated friction or pressure on the skin, often due to ill-fitting shoes or abnormal foot mechanics. Soaking the feet in warm water for 10-15 minutes can help soften the corn and make it easier to remove. After soaking, gently rub the corn with a pumice stone or a foot file to remove the thickened skin. Avoid excessive pressure to prevent irritation or injury. Moisturizing: Apply a moisturizer or emollient cream to keep the skin soft and prevent further friction.

  • What is Corn Removal?
    Corn removal is a procedure or treatment aimed at removing corns, which are small, hardened areas of skin that typically develop on the feet.

  • Causes
     High-heeled shoes can cause an uneven distribution of weight on the feet, concentrating pressure on the toes and the ball of the foot.

  • Symptoms
    Corns can be painful, especially when pressure is applied to them or when wearing tight-fitting shoes. The pain is often described as a sharp or burning sensation.

  • Diagnosis
    Physical examination, X-ray, severe cases include CT scan or MRI.

  • Treatment
    Surgery or casting / walking boot. Includes compression therapy, ice, rest, crutches, or knee scooter.