Foot and Ankle Wellness Products

Foot & Ankle Surgery:

Big Toe Joint: Joint Replacement

Big toe joints can cause patients of any age pain, swelling, and/or bruising. Common pre-existing conditions or injuries to the big toe joint can typically be treated with OTC medications. However, when conservative treatments do not resolve big toe joint stiffness or pain, consulting a podiatrist is highly recommended. A number of conditions can make patients candidates for big toe joint replacement. These pre-existing ailments include, arthritis, prior history of trauma to the big toe, untreated bunions, pre-existing hallux limitus, and other congenital foot conditions. One of the most common big toe joint conditions is hallux limitus, which is a loss of motion in the big toe. In conjunction with hallux limitus, hallux rigidus is a condition where the big toe joint stiffens as cartilage is damaged or lost. Overtime, both of these conditions can lead to arthritis and damage the big toe joint further. If you are experiencing pain or limited mobility in the big toe, consider contacting a podiatrist to determine if big toe joint replacement surgery is right for you.

  • What is Big Toe Joint Replacement?
    A surgical procedure replacing  the big toe joint with an artificial joint made of metal or plastic.

  • How
    Damaged cartilage and bone is removed and replaced with an artificial joint.

  • Why
    To decrease pain and improve function of the big toe joint.

  • Recommended for
    Patients experiencing persistent pain, swelling, stiffness, and prominent bone in the big toe joint.

  • Length of Treatment
    Surgery lasts roughly 1 hour, depending on the severity of the damaged big toe joint.

  • Downtime
    4 weeks of decreased activities.