Foot and Ankle Wellness Products

Foot & Ankle Surgery:

Peroneal Tendon Repair: Tear

Peroneal tendon repair refers to a surgical procedure performed to treat a tear in the peroneal tendons. The peroneal tendons are located on the outside of the ankle and are responsible for stabilizing the foot and ankle during movement. They play an important role in providing support and helping to control the motion of the foot. A tear in the peroneal tendons can occur due to various reasons, such as acute trauma or overuse injuries. It can lead to pain, weakness, instability, and difficulty in performing activities that involve ankle and foot movements.

  • What is Peroneal Tendon Repair: Tear?
    This can result in pain, weakness, instability, and difficulty in performing activities that involve ankle and foot movements.

  • How
    The type of anesthesia used can vary, and you will discuss this with your surgeon and anesthesiologist prior to the surgery.

  • Why
     When the ligaments around the ankle become weakened or stretched, the peroneal tendons may experience abnormal stress and become prone to tears.

  • Recommended for
    Complete tears may result in significant pain, weakness, and ankle instability, making it difficult to perform daily activities or participate in sports or physical activities.

  • Length of Treatment
    The length of time you will need to wear the immobilization device can vary but is typically around 4 to 6 weeks.

  • Downtime
    You will typically begin a structured rehabilitation program a few weeks after surgery.