Foot and Ankle Wellness Products

Cushion Gels Sleeves

Gel-lined sleeves for cushioning and support in various body areas.

Cushion Gels Sleeves

Gel-lined sleeves for cushioning and
support in various body areas.


The Achilles tendon, linking calf muscles to the heel bone, plays a vital role in activities such as walking and running. Common injuries encompass tendinitis (inflammation) and rupture. For tendinitis, treatment involves the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation), therapy, medications, and surgery if severe. Rupture treatment typically includes surgery or immobilization in a cast/boot, followed by rehabilitation.


The intricacies of the ankle, a multifaceted joint linking the lower leg to the foot, crucial for activities like walking, running, and maintaining balance. Comprising the tibia, fibula, and talus bones, the ankle primarily moves in dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. Its movements are controlled by surrounding muscles. Uncover comprehensive insights into the ankle’s anatomy and functionality for optimal foot health.


Uncover insights about bunions, a deformity characterized
by a bony bump at the base of the big toe joint. This condition
arises when the big toe exerts pressure on the adjacent toe, influenced by factors such as genetics, ill-fitting footwear,
or abnormalities in foot structure. Women may be more
susceptible, potentially linked to narrow, high-heeled


Metatarsal bones in supporting walking and running,
forming the connection between the midfoot and
toe bones. Learn about “thick metatarsal,” a condition
where one or more metatarsals are abnormally thickened, influenced by factors such as injuries or underlying medical conditions.


The anatomy of the metatarsals, long and slender bones comprising a base, shaft, and head. Notably, the second and third metatarsals, referred to as the thin metatarsals, play a crucial role in weight-bearing and propulsion during walking and running. Despite their significance, their slender structure makes them susceptible to stress fractures and injuries caused by repetitive strain.


The plantar arch, a vital foot structure comprised of bones, ligaments, and muscles, offering crucial support during activities like walking and running. Comprising the medial and lateral longitudinal arches, the plantar arch is reinforced by ligaments and the plantar fascia. Intrinsic foot muscles play a key role in controlling its shape and dynamic support.